Thursday, May 19, 2005

XBox and KISS, which one sucks more life/money from me?

It's an argument I've been having with myself lately!

One of my favorite lines came from Craig Gaas who was a stand-in on the Howard Stern Show when Jackie the Jackass left the show. He used to put on a killer Gene Simmons impression and the one that just killed me was "This is Gene Simmons! How much money do you have in your pocket? Fan: Ummm, $5 Gene: Good, give it to me!"

I have to admit, for years all of my money went to EVERYTHING KISS! I had/have it all! Anytime Gene stuck that damned logo on something I bought it, boxers, condoms, chewing gum, it didn't matter! I bought it!

And now it's going the same for me with the XBox! If it's Live-enabled, I buy the damned thing! A game comes out, to much fanfare and hype, and again, I buy it. I cannot tell you how many games I have in my collection right now that have gone unplayed! It's insane!

Sometimes after I think about it, I may as well become a drug addict or an alcoholic, because between these 2 habits here, drugs/alcohol would be a hell of a lot cheaper!

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