Thursday, May 12, 2005

Well, I've been relocated yet again, and more responsibilities to take care of! Scary's got his first office of his own!

I'm now in the stock room............LOL

You ever seen the movie Office Space? Well, just think Milton and that's how I'm feelin these days.

All I want is my red Swingline Stapler!!!!

But ya know the old saying 'Out of sight, out of mind'!

I'm now helping out our Quality/Inspection departments get organized and step in to the 21st century! On top of my regular responsibilities of programming our CNC mills, designing/modifying designs, scanning documents, and helping to bail water out of the leaking hull of our ship!

We're doing things now that they never thought possible! It's nice to have a boss that let's ya be a bit innovative and have some fun with your job!

Working in the medical industry, it helps to be right up to par with the latest in technology! Gotta have the new toys to stay ahead of the Joneses.

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