Friday, May 27, 2005

Mmmmmm K!

Everyone's got their favorite movies that they can usually quote every word from or give you a complete breakdown on a scene.

Well, I just happened to start a horrible trend here at work that has spread like wildfire!

The movie: Office Space

The result: Hawaiian Shirt Friday!

I am not kidding you. On any given day you can here a quote from this movie, from our President on down to the administrative assistances. Everything from "Mmmmmm k" to "yeaaaaaaaaah!"
To posting 'memos' around the office, and then being asked "Did ya get the memo???"

Its funny how telling one person to watch a movie can lead to everyone in the building seeing it and then this place now becomes Office Space! Oh what have i done???

..............and yes, I am wearing a Hawaiian shirt today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen my stapler?...