Thursday, May 19, 2005

The gloves are off, and the fists are flying

Yes, E3 has started and the bashing back and forth, by the gamers of course, has begun!

Who has the better system?

Who has the more powerful machine?

Was that real in-game footage, or was that CGI?

It's gettin ugly!

I'm really starting to feel like with so much in common as far as gaming goes, there are lines being drawn up between the big 2 and Nintendo (sorry, had to do it!). You have Sony who seems content to stay focused on single player, high graphic-quality games, and XBox who is all about the community. I fall to the latter. I want to enjoy my games with my friends.

I cannot remember the last game I bought that was simply a single player game. Oh yeah, Fable, and it still has never made it into my XBox. Sad I know. But I'm all about online gaming.

Clearly this is battle will not be settled in a 3 day period. It's going to take months (even years) for the fog to lift and the winner to step out.

It's nice to see Uncle Bill (Gates) getting involved in the battle as well stating in the new issue of Time that PS3 was gonna release on a day where it will walk face first in to Halo 3. Alright Bill, get down and dirty! That's what I like to see!

And just think 4 years ago there was no one who thought Microsoft would last thru the first iteration! The Evil Empire Strikes Back!

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