Friday, May 13, 2005

And so the HD Era of gaming begins!


That's about all this kid can come up with after the information overload of XBox 360 stuff that has invaded the web!

What a great time to be a gamer.

Yeah, I'm 31 years old and I still game, hardcore! It's like I tell my wife, 'At least I'm not out in the titty bars, regular bars, or doing drugs!!" This is my drug of choice. Yeah, it can be just as expensive and devastating to a relationship (just like the other 3), but I feel safer going this route!

What Microsoft is sharing so far with the little information just shows that gaming is no longer aimed at the hardcore people, but rather as an entertainment hub for everyone!

LOL, my favorite so far is the "Get game invites while watching a DVD!" Um, yeah, that one will go over well while enjoying a movie with the family! "Oh, sorry guys, gotta turn the movie off, its time for a Halo tourney!!"

The future looks bright and I'm glad to be a part of it!

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