Friday, May 20, 2005

Grillin, chillin, gamin and having some brews!

Yep, that's what's gonna be happening Memorial Day weekend!

I haven't looked forward to something this much since my trip to Boston to visit Dave and Heather (and the rest of the crew, Ralph/April/Matt/Chris/Adam/etc)!

We're heading out to Ralph and Aprils for the weekend. Can ya beat that?

I may get a chance to finally meet a guy I've been wanting to meet for quite some time and it just has never panned out yet, Pete a.k.a. Keg O War! Along with Pete, I believe Dave and Heather will also be making the trip.

I am so ready for a weekend away after the month of May here! It's time to get out, take a deep breath, and prepare for a wonderful summer that's ahead.

I'll make sure to take pictures again and share em with everyone.

So whats on your agenda for the holiday weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck yeah dude!
We'll bring some extra food, and we'll be bringing out Red Sox jersey's too. Why you ask? Because they'll be at nearby Yankee Fucking Stadium, hopefully beating the tar out of those NY Rats.