Monday, August 15, 2005

A new season of Jackass! Oh wait......I mean......

Yes, yes, I know..........

Some of you might find this shocking, but to be honest with you, this one goes beyond ridiculous!

I've been a KISS fan my whole life, just ask my mom. She's got pics of me in diapers dancing to the sounds of Rock and Roll All Nite at the ripe age of 2, headphones and all! But I was sitting there watching VH1 with the wife the other night (she's really into all the celebreality shows there lately) and an ad came on for Rock School!

Now, I find this just absolutely hysterical. I mean I knew the show was being taped, but as far as I had heard, it was only going to air in Britian, but VH1 now has the rights to it and will air for all of us Americans to poke fun at Gene.

From the reviews I've read so far, Gene is just crucified by these kids, not withstanding the fact that several of the children started blogging about what kind of a Jackass this guy really is.

The music was what got me into them, along with the theatrics at the time. The toy's in the mid-70's really rocked, but ever since the reunion back in '96, it's just been Gene pillaging and raping us fans for every dirty dollar he could squeeze us for. 1000$ to go backstage and meet them, dolls after dolls after get the point. And just recently, being enshrined into the Smithsonian for their support of sex with condoms, with their condoms displayed in front of pictures of some very nasty venerial diseases! Gaaaack!!!

I just wish they could get back to making the music that brought me thru the ages, and forget all the marketing. I mean, come on Gene, you could buy Isreal now with all of the money you've made off us! Yes, you've lived the American dream, but there are people out there that really think your a moron! I'm starting to drink their Kool-Aid!

Now, when's Pauls solo album come out??

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