Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Keeping it real......

Here we are, another week past and looking forward to another weekend.

I've been keeping myself really busy lately. I've got all of my irons in the fire right now and I can tell it's a bit much, so I plan on approaching it a bit different now.

I am just in love with some of the activities I've got brewing up right now and the excitement I think is what is getting the best of me. There is some real potential for a few of the projects and I just think that it's really going to lead to big things.

I am being a bit coy and teasing you here, but its all for a good reason. Lots of i's to dot and t's to cross before I say anything official.

One thing that I want to mention right off the bat is that it is now 5 years since my beloved XBox Live service launched, and I got that killer 'Welcome to the Beta' email from Microsoft. It was a rush that I'll never forget and am glad to be a part of it. XBox is making it special by posting over on their website about it, see it here.

scaryxblI want to talk about just how special this is. When I first got online I gamed with a few classy cats on the beta. I was just stunned by how the gaming world was transforming right before my eyes. I quickly thought back to how horrible multiplayer gaming was on PC's. YUCK! And now we had Live, and a voice to go with it. We would run around in Re-volt for hours having a blast and shooting the shit with each other. The forums that Microsoft had at the time were just plain horrible. So there was another group that eventually formed later on called XBox Live Friends. Also a part of this group were the founding members of Gamertag Database, now known as Gamertag.com. Let's just say that I have never met a cooler group of people. I don't have many friends here in Ohio, the friends I have are mostly from this community.

To this day I still hang out with quite a few of them and even visit them, at least once a year. Mr Silverblood, Ram2600, Keg O War, Vitamin B, Headgamer, Team Binky, Chado, and Antek718 are like my brothers. They are just world class individuals. Not just limited to guys either, you close-mnded knuckle heads, no-no, there's also LonestarGal and Lulu, and even my lovely Mrs Scary Aaron. These girls got game too!

So to see the LiveIs5 page and see our names blazed across the site it just makes it that more special. Happy 5th XBox Live!

I'm taking a trip in a few weeks to New York City. I will be making an announcement about this trip in a few days. Why would I be making an announcement about my trip? Tee hee, because it's gonna be something that YOU my friends may be taking part in. Stay tuned for my big surprise!

All this going on around me, you may wonder where the heck is the family and how am I spending any 'quality' time with them when I'm burning the candle at both ends. Well, I do make time for them and they are all doing wonderful.

Brooke is coming along quite well now. She is due the 12th of December. The baby and mommy are both very healthy. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I'm going to be a grandfather, but I'm dealing with it. She's learning the hard lessons of life at a young age and she knows it. She doesnt need the stress of my freaking out and creating an uncomfortable environment. We all know the wrongs of this, we now have to deal with it. We will provide the best environment for her and the baby, count on it.

Tiffs doing wonderful. I am just so happy to be with her and have her by my side. She is my everything. I make stupid, dumb mistakes in my life and sometimes I'm just struck by how she just accepts me for who I am. I'm a jerk at times and this woman tolerates it. For everything that she went thru with me, to helping raise my children in the end she is my hero.

Big Al is doing great! The kid is growing so damn fast. I stop his ADHD (my analysis) ass every day to slow him down for 2 seconds so I can enjoy that day of him being that small. It's going by so fast and I'm trying to keep up. Now if my damned lungs would just get back to healthy so I could do just that, that would be super! We had our first Halloween that meant something this year. He dressed up as Spiderman and we walked him 3 blocks. It was just a fun time.

See that, I take so long to post and then you have a ton to read. Let's do our best to keep this pace up a little more.

Thanks for stopping by! More real soon, I promise!

1 comment:

Silver said...

Long live XBLF! w00t!!