Tuesday, August 21, 2007

RIP Miles!

During my battle with cancer I learned a lot about life and people.

You learn that being respectful to others and showing a kinder, gentler side really makes a difference in people.

Our genetic code as human beings is some what altered in the fact that we begin to look past petty stuff and appreciate the finer points of a person, no matter how deep or hidden that may be.

So, when I see a person who is suffering in this hard fought battle, I am compelled to stop and talk to them and help encourage them and keep their spirits up.

Why am I babbling here??

It's simple.......

Yesterday I signed in to CNN to check out the news and I saw this article on a young guy who had finally lost his battle. I spent the rest of the night just thinking about this and how important the internet is in helping those of us with cancer deal with it on a personal level, and also let's us share our thoughts and ideas on the disease with others who may be searching for answers themselves. There's a chance that one bit of a thought I (or anyone for that matter) may have could have a very big impact. Miles Levin looks like he did just that!

My condolences to the Levin family on your loss, but know this, your son's words will eminate across the internet forever now!

Take the time and stop by his blog and read thru it. I have bookmarked it and will add it here to my site as well! Enjoy!

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