Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!

First off, I want to congratulate my 2 favoritist people in the world on 33 years of marriage, my Mom and Dad!

This is their weekend and I say 'Cheers' to them! Hope you 2 had a wonderful weekend up visiting Gramma!

This is a time that we as Americans need to remember that we are celebrating those that put their lives on the line for our freedoms! You too get a big 'Cheers' from me! Thank you for your service for my everyday freedoms that sometimes may go as 'unnoticed!'

I spent the weekend away from my family and miss them dearly! I am writing this from New York where I am visiting my good friend Ram and his family! We had a great weekend here where we got to see Mr. Silverblood and Miss Chatterbox and also my bud Capt. Crash 31! It was an awesome weekend and I just feel such great joy that I get to spend that time with my buds! I don't get to do that often, and now living in Florida makes it that much harder to do, but I am so glad that I got the opportunity to make it up here!

We stayed up late and had great times! Starbucks at 11:00 at night, WOW what a rush! Created some cool things for a new site we're working on, hubba, hubba!!! Weeeeeee! And we also got to see Jupiter last night thru Cable Monkey's killer telescope! Man, do I have to get one of those! Just good times people!

Thanks for the great weekend everyone!

Hope to see you all again soon!

Tiffany, Brooke and Alexander, daddy's on his way home! See you soon!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I give to you.........THE SNARLER!!!

Becoming a parent has given me such great joys over the past 9 months.

Yes, I have had Brooke, since she was 4 years old, but this is the first time that I have had a baby around the house. I have nieces and nephews, but that doesn't count in this case.

The thing that I have found so amazing is Alex's uncanny ability to pick up on things. We have several fun little games lately. One being the 'ehhh' call back and forth. He keeps this going until you stop completely. Quite funny!

But my all-time new favorite stems from a little incident that we had awhile back during daddy-son time! Mom didn't catch on to this until one hysterical night. See he was taking his nightly bath, which is usually the time that we also feed him as well. Well, daddy decided to mess with him and feed him some obscure food that I picked out for him. He didn't care for it and gave us this face that you see here!

It has now become a nightly habit, and now with the camera back, it's his preferred picture taking face! Witness.......

What also makes this quite funny is not just the face, but rather the sounds that are created when doing so! I need to get a video over here to let you witness one of the funniest things I think you may have ever seen!

Monday, May 15, 2006

OK, I'll get over it!

I've been gettin a bit miffed by everything "Gene Simmons" lately and I just thought that he was really diluting and watering down my favorite band KISS.

But read this and see if you change your mind as I now have:

And an editorial note: Some of you get sick and tired of seeing GENE SIMMONS in front of every project. Not my problem. I like it. I like me. And, I am unabashed and unapologetic of being in the Gene Simmons Business. If there can be Geffen Records and Bloomberg TV and Walt Disney Pictures...there can be GENE SIMMONS EVERYTHING. Those guys did it right. And, I certainly intend to do the same.


I had some time yesterday between some running around that Tiffany had and just being a lazy day that I sat thru a good portion of the movie 'Contact' again with Jodi Foster. I've never had a chance to sit completely thru this movie and wanted to catch it all. Of course I missed the ending, but thank goodness for digital video recorders! I'll catch the end tonight!

The reason for the mention is because of a lil program that I used to run on my computer for SETI. It was a little program that would run in the background and would basically analyize the data that those satellite dishes in the movies would pick up on. I started doing this back in '96 or so and just thought it would be cool to help contribute to science in some shape or form.

Now it's got some leg's under it and the data crunching has grown exponentially!

I'm mean, c'mon, how cool would it be to have your computer possibly analyze a piece of data that could be from a different world?? That is just way too cool! There are also some different studies that they have as well, I believe at one time there was a program to help decode DNA. Now that's pretty damn cool! Check out some of their other stuff at the SetiAtHome link.

If anyone is interested in learning more go to SetiAtHome for more details! I hope some of ya find it interesting!

Finally, an update!

OK, so it's a bit slow at work today for me, and I'm looking busy by, you guessed it, typing on my blog!!

2 more weeks and I get to take myself a restful weekend. I'm visiting some friends up in New York and just cannot wait to get away. Work has me burnt right now and I need to recharge the batteries a bit.

I spent the weekend with the wife for Mothers Day and we had a very nice, relaxing weekend. My wife is a simple individual. I don't mean this in a bad way, but she just plays the role of not wanting anything so well. It makes it hard for me because I have a hard time understanding if she 'really' doesnt want anything, or if she's just being coy. But I cooked her breakfast on Sunday and we just relaxed a bit. She did want me to try and fix our digital camera so that she could start keeping photos of Alex.

I broke the camera about 4 months ago inserting a flash card in to it. It bent the pins and became worthless. I disassembled the camera, but typical guy that I am, I never finished the project. And, of course, when I jump back in to the project, I have no clue where the screws and and everything came from. So here I am with a disassembled mess, and a bent pin in the flash slot!

After 15 minutes voila! I have the pin bent back, insert card, test with power and batteries and just like that were snapping photos again.

So I've updated my Flickr (click to view photos) account again! We'll be updating you with pictures on a regular basis again, so stay tuned.

Not much to say right now, gonna see how much work I can get done with my machine operator out of the shop, and not harrassing me on a daily basis! Should be fun!

Oh yeah, and I'm playing an assload of XBox Live again! Who wants a piece of me in some UNO?!!