Monday, March 24, 2008

An awesome dinner......

I mean, it was no Booster MPS-type of meal but Tiffany and I did it up real good tonight!

Thanks to a very cool friend, Mr. Binky, we have been trying out some new and delicious dinners and meals. He hooked us up with a great cooking magazine called 'Cooking Light' Great stuff in there.Spicers_Mar_08 028 On the menu this evening we started with a mixed greens spring salad with a raspberry and pecan vinaigrette and some bread with a EVOO and garlic salt to dip in to. Mmmmm!

My main dish consisted of Italian bread-crumbed Salmon with fresh herbs mixed in. Tiffany cooked this up:

Spicers_Mar_08 030 Lemon at the end to give it a nice touch.

I cooked up some delicious shrimp wraps. They consisted of a mixture of heavy cream, garlic, butter, egg, crushed crackers, mayo, Dijon mustard, fresh herbs and some seasoning and a finishing touch of crab meat. You lay out a slice of prochiuto,  spread the mixture on to the meat, then to finish it off you use extra large shrimp and then roll them up and finish it off with toothpicks. In the oven for 20 minutes and you have a killer meal going:

Spicers_Mar_08 029

All of this and a nice wine from Tiffany's step-mom and dad.

I'm full...............


Silver said...

Ok, my mouth is agape, tongue limplessly hanging out, spilling drool...when can we come over for dinner? :-)

Aaron said...

You are ALL welcome any time! Just give me a heads-up! ;)