Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Invasion of my privacy?? You bet your ass!!

Folks, we've reached a new low in this society! The text color choice is due to both anger and embarrassment!

Let me tell you a little embarrassing story! I'm not shy about this, but after today, you bet your ass I'm afraid of the world we live in. And I'm only embarrassed due to the fact that both parties have no idea how we were tied together in this instance.

See, I have this friend, for general purposes, let's call him Big Daddy Love Muffin! Well, I only know Big Daddy Love Muffin thru my beloved XBox and XBox Live. Now this is a great friend of mine and damn near a brother to me, along with a few other love muffins online this guy is top notch in my books!

Well I got home tonight and my lovely wife tells me that Big Daddy Love Muffin called and that it was important that I call him back ASAP! So I call immediately!! Now folks, this is where you might want to make sure you are sitting down, you are about to enter Scary's episode of the Twilight Zone!

So Big Daddy plays phone tag with me and we're giving our hello's and he proceeds to ask me if I have ever used his phone number or given it out to anyone ever. Well, duh! I wouldn't know Big Daddy Love Muffins number if I had a double barrel shot gun at my head and my life depended on it. I rely heavily on my phone book in my home phone. On top of that, I only know that it's #13 in the phone book. OK, so I at least know where it's located!!

Big Daddy Love Muffin proceeds to tell me a story of how he got home from work and there was a message on his phone for ME. What? Are you kidding me?? I'm in utter shock. So we sit and knock ideas around about what is going on, who this is, and why in the f'n world they would have Big Daddy's phone number, let alone be attached to me. People, what the frickin hell is going on here.

Now I'm seething with anger, near a meltdown stage, and hyper-ventalating!!! Profusely!!! Big Daddy gives me the number and I call this bitch right up!!! I may have made Satan blush with the vulgarity flying out of my mouth! It was an ugly sight. So here's where we step deeper in to weird.

The lady that is talking to me will not divuldge any information to me only that she's looking for an "insert my name here" but the funny thing is it's me with a different middle name, AND she gives me the last 4 digits of the social and their not mine. But she's looking for "insert name here" in Massillion, Ohio. Now I'm originally from Ohio, but not Massillion. Now I'm freaked out. I scream that she better lose Big Daddy's number and note the account that it's not me they are looking for.

People, I ask you, "what the f' is going on?" Is this where we are at as a society? I wouldn't ever have Big Daddy's number written down for any reason, nor would I write someone down as a reference without first verifying with them that it was OK to do so.

Now I have to deal with the embarrassment that it's caused me. Now Big Daddy was totally cool about it, but what the hell man?

Let's just say this is just the beginning! I have an attorney at my disposal at work and I'm gonna do some checkin! Hell it is the new millenium, maybe I'll hire a vulture to get to the bottom of this for me!! Stay tuned folks! This story's just starting!

By the way, hey Big Daddy, thanks for workin with me on it, and lookin out for me! Trust that we'll get to the bottom of this nightmare!


Anonymous said...

That is one messed up situation. I guess there isn't any information that is secure anymore. Sounds like there was some sort of connection with your name, and Big Daddy's number. But it still doesn't make sense...

Even so, they were trying to get ahold of a different guy with the same name as you, same place of residence (former as of recently though), and they didn't even have the right SSN. Fuck'n weird mang.

Hope that laywer goes to town, and does his own little Sherlock Holmes brand of investies.

Anonymous said...

Very odd indeed. Big Brother's always watching....

Anonymous said...

That's fucked up.

Anonymous said...

It's Dr. X!

Anonymous said...

It's those damn commies I tell ya.. They've been following me and everyone I've ever talked to for years...

Anonymous said...

Any headway on this? I'm curious to know the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Eh, i wouldn't get to worked up over it. I'd look at it as some type of "Twilight Zone" type of coinsedence. I use NCIC (National Criminal Information Center) for looking up wants and warrants on people. The system uses Name, DOB, SSN, and various other information to look up people. Imagine what I have to do to confirm someone named John Smith or Hector Lopez. Don't get too worried about it unless he starts getting multiple calls for different variations on the same name. Unless of course you have some outrageously unique name like Igor Shellenburgerhossenfeffer. LOL

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but I think you may be overreacting here. Lots of people have the same name - so unless you're named Dinkenwotzer Harklestein, it's quite possible they just got the wrong name/number.

When I lived in TN, some girl named Bree made up a fake phone number to give out to every guy she met at the clubs on the weekends.

Problem was, it was MY phone number she was giving out! One of her close friends called me one day, and actually told me her real number.

From that day on, anyone calling for Bree got her real number from me. She stopped giving my number out within a week.

8-) Relax! Kick back, open a cold one, and revel in the weirdness of the universe!

- M

Anonymous said...

You're not gonna believe this, but I didn't read razhor's comment until after I posted mine...

HAH! See? The universe really IS all fucked up!!!