Monday, April 03, 2006

Catching up!

So of course, I said I would keep this updated, and I'm a slacker!

What else is new!

Well, actually a lot.

Work is really kicking in to high gear, and we are making tremendous strides. After some internal house cleaning the past few weeks, we've eliminated some bad seeds around here and things are looking up!

These days, it just seems that no matter what, your going to run in to jackasses, where ever you work. This place is no different. But in this case, a certain jackass helped a brother out! I've had the pleasure of picking up the pieces on 4 major projects here and my good friend and co-worker Gary smacked the hell out of the work, and delivered! Fortunately, due to the last disaster the guy dropped on us, the owners finally saw thru the guy and cut him loose! Sweet!! Sorry to gloat, but I just felt lately that I was breaking my back, having tremendous pressure and stress on me and no one else recognozing what was going on. Now it's time to get back to what I enjoy the most, working with customers!

It's paying big divends so far. A customer that came on board with us called my boss and thanked em for the tremendous efforts I gave on a project, beyond the scope of what we were contracted to do for them. I ended up saving a disaster from occuring. A few parts we were to manufacture weren't up to snuff and we caught a major snafu! I called the engineer, walked her thru it, and helped her on the design. Well, her boss from France was here that following Monday and was just beaming ear to ear that a manufacturer would take the time to check the part for 'manufacturability' and voila, another satisfied customer, not to mention a boss who was overly impressed!!

Home life is great! Tiffany and I are just doing awesome now that we are down here away from the cest pool that is Ohio. The move couldn't have been more needed by both of us. It's showing every day in both of our attitudes towards each other. It's almost like being married for the first time again! That rocks!!

Alex and Brooke are doing spectacular! Brooke's finally settling in to her newest school as of January, and has pumped those grades right up! I'm so happy to see her doing well again. With the moving and everything else the past year, she needed some stability and I think we've finally nailed that for her. She's gonna pass with flying colors and has bet me on gettin straight A's! Let's see ya do it kid!!!

Alex is growing like a weed.!! He's discovered his vocal cords and learned how to play mommy and daddy now. Lil bugger! But hey, we all did it as kids! We're very close to him crawling around now, and at almost 8 months its about time! We're kinda getting the feeling that he may be walking before he even crawls. He's got the army crawl down to a science, that and the roll technique, but just cant figure out the whole crawling deal. It's funny as hell to watch, but you can see him trying so hard to get it.

I miss posting here and having all my friends stop by and comment, so I am going to make more of an assertive effort to be on here more often.

Thanks for stopping by and reading folks!


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are all doing well, hope to see all of you guys again sometine soon... its good to see some more "scary" thoughts here in blogville.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, you slacker you!
The south seems to have a calming affect on people...maybe I'll be your neighbor someday.

Anonymous said...

Good news all around, you can't beat that.

I'm jealous.