Monday, July 25, 2005

Telsa, still kickin ass!!!

Had a great time seeing one of my favorite bands, Tesla!

Yeah, yeah, a band from the 80's 'hair band' days, but wow, these guys can still kick some major ass. All 5 members of the band were in top notch form.

This being my 7th time seeing 'em I was a bit disappointed, they only played an 1hr 1/2 set. Kinda a bummer. Started out of course with 'Comin atcha! Live! and ended the night with Modern Day Cowboy.'

It was nice to hear 4 new songs from their latest album as well.

Couldn't beat it. My buddy Dylan picked up the tickets and we rolled with his wife and his brother. My brother was supposed to go but backed out at the last minute. Not sure what was up with that.

Good times though, can't wait to catch em again. Hopefully with a longer set list.

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