Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Scan's in....

Well, my scan results came in today around 2pm, local time.....Results are great! No tumor's, no lesions! Couldn't have asked for a better end to a rather stressful few weeks.

I still am having some sort of an issue, which no one can put a finger on right now. My right leg is swollen along with my right foot. I have neuropathy really bad in both of my feet, so I just thought that was a contributing factor. When my oncologist just blew it off to 'Hmm, your legs kinda swollen! Keep an eye on it!' Ya think?

I did just that and followed up with my general physician. I was sent for an ultrasound to take a look for blood clots. Nothing doing there and I was sent home to rest for the day. 5 hour nap later and I'm feeling pretty good.

Dad's got me on green drinks and vitamins. Hey, whatever it takes, ya know?

I think as the time goes I'll get more used to these scans and knowing nothings going on, but it'll take some time. You just get used to bad news, so often, that it's hard to change your mind set. But in the mean time, I can focus on other bodily oddities! Thanks for all of the well wishes and support friends and family! Much love, Scary

1 comment:

Meaghan said...

Great News!! Keep up the good fight
