Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What a week!

I'm finally back from a great little vacation!

My wife encouraged me to take some time to myself and head out with some friends for a trip with my step-daughters uncles. We ended up in a place called Santee, South Carolina. The weather was OK, 2 days of rain, 3 days of sunshine. I got scorched!

All in all it turned out great. My golf game is gettin back to me, and I shot a 104 for 18 on one of the days. Hey, it's not impressive, but under the circumstances I'll take it.

I'm back to playing with my computer again, and I'm getting excited to put another one together now.

Tiff and I have finally agreed on the whole Time Warner/DirecTV situation that we have going on right now and I'm going to keep DirecTV set up for myself in my office. I'm a huge sports nut and having it in HD is essential for me. I'm planning on adding the new Hauppauge tuner to the current PC and giving Tiffany all she needs in a DVR in a PC. I read on Chris Lanier's blog that this is finally coming to fruition. I'm telling you people, if you don't go to Chris' web site, your missing some great information. Very cool guy! So for $250 I'll be able to get what I want for the wife, and I buy some time to build what I want. My feat is gonna be a bit more daunting and further down the road as DirecTV has nothing in the near future to help me get to where I want to go. I'm a patient young man though! In the meantime I can be happy with my HD sports on DirecTV! Thanks for bending honey!

I'm looking to go Quad Core this time and really make this special. My dad got a great HTPC case and it's making me itch to have something similar. All of this is so new to me and I just get a bit carried away at times. I'm considering taking some programming lessons so that I can play with MCE and Vista a bit more than I can now. I'm dangerous with the stuff now, but I'd like to find myself dangerous with a purpose if you know what I mean. There are a few other Media Center gurus that I read blogs of and I think it's something I can pick up and understand fairly easy. Stay tuned!

So my TV's on the fritz right now. Blew a lamp while I was away, so I have to wait up to 2 weeks for a replacement. However, the guy I bought it from has said he'd upgrade me to a 73" if I'm impatient. If its just a height change I may jump on it. The 65" is already a massive box in the corner, not much room to grow.

Hope everyone's doing well. Keep checkin in! I'm done with lunch and ready to bang my head (on the way and to my music) here at work!

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