Thursday, October 04, 2007

Excuses, excuses!

Since I seem to be using it in my life for EVERYTHING, I thought I would blame my lack of postings here lately because I have cancer! :)

OK, in all seriousness, it has been very hectic in my neck of the woods. Here's a quick re-cap:

1. Got all of our stuff moved back here from Florida! I can't tell you how much of a relief it was. I had some great people go out of their way to help out with getting it back here and I couldn't be more appreciative! It's so nice to have my 'fat man' clothes back! I was really struggling to fit in to all of those clothes that I had brought with me. My favorite part about it all was that Tiff is pretty much purging out all of the stuff now. We gave our furniture to my sister who desperately needed new stuff and I had given my tv away, but now have decided to keep it for myself. Yeah, I'm, selfish!

2. I've been spending waaaaaaay too much time building my own computer and my new office. Tiffany decided that we could use the spare bedroom we were going to let Brooke use as her nursery and she'll now do that in her room. She has plenty of space up there. Yeah, you could chalk it up to me being selfish again, but understand this, every man needs a place of solitude. Some use strip clubs and bars, while I like the creature comforts of my own home. I'm a homebody what can I say? The room turned out fantastic and I'll post some pictures soon.

3. Halo 3........................that's all I'll say about that!

Other than that life is peachy king here! Alexander is the apple of my eye. The kid is just so inspirational to me. I look at other losers with their children and I'm just appalled at the way they can treat them and it makes me do better every chance I get. Now, I wouldn't fault anyone for seeing it a bit 'over the top' on how I treat him, but I can see that me being a part of his life is something that he will cherish and remember forever! I'm so glad that in my life I had the opportunity to have my own child. Yes, I am at fault for treating my own child differently than Brooke, but trust that I am ashamed of that as well. Time heals, and I hope that I can make that road a better paved one for her to travel in the future.

I am a real turd of a geek too! I've been consumed with Microsofts Windows Vista and Media Center. These toys are over the top and way cool. I'm gonna post more on my experiences, but I want to throw one question out there for you to consider. How can a Microsoft product not work with other Microsoft products? I'm beside myself with this question. And honestly, I'm so pathetic that I even laid in bed at night consumed with this question!

Hope everyone's doing great! All 2 of ya that stop here to read! More later!

1 comment:

Silver said...

Glad you finally got all yer stuff back from Florida. It's about time! You've been out of there for a while now, right?

About the computer stuff.....a-chooo! (get a mac)...ah....ahhhhh, a-chooooooooo!!!!