Monday, June 12, 2006

And the rainy season begins!

So here we go! Not even 9 days in to the season and we have our first Tropical Storm of the season, Alberto! As a note, last year we had our first one down here around the same time frame. So this is nothing new.

As of this morning, we're not seeing much except for rain [much needed by the way] and it's coming down in buckets! We've had such a dry spell that it's almost a godsend since we are way below average rainfall for the year already. It's being upgraded (per CNN) to a hurricane but I don't really think it's gonna get too strong. For that matter it's already way north, near the panhandle.

Works blah, blah the past few weeks. We're in deep with a lot of projects, and it just seems that we stall out quite a bit. Mind you that we have a boss that likes to micro-manage the hell out of our projects, so there is that holding us back. One day it would be nice to just come in, do my job, not get questioned on it, and deliver to a customer! What a concept ehhh?

Brookes' finally out of school for the year. We haven't seen a report card yet either. So we're waiting to see how 'close' she made it thru! She's done great for all of the changing around this year we did with her. We moved down and she started at one school and had to switch halfway thru the year once we moved in to our new place. As always, she's a little trooper!

Alex is growing up so damn fast. He's already up to 7 teeth, and may have more on the way. We've been watching him closely and he's becoming quite cranky, definitely showing signs of teething! He looks so funny with his teeth coming in. He's daddy's lil lady killer! Such a ham! We're full-on crawling now. He's finally found his foooting. And as a bonus, he's now standing up and pulling himself up on things. It won't be long now and I'll be chasing his lil butt all over the house.

Tiff's getting pretty bored at being home all the time, but you'll have that! I feel so bad for her at times. I wish that I could get her out to do more, but it's only a matter of time and we'll be back to be-boppin' around town again.

I've been looking for insurance since I moved down here and I have to finally switch it, but it is completely assinine down here how it works. I haven't gotten the full story (either that or I just don't understand it yet) but in order for me to get insurance (married) you have to have both of your drivers licenses valid. Well, since I can't do that 'easily' for Tiff, I'm forced to file for insurance as 'single'. I didn't figure this out until I called the 4th insurance company. What a bunch of crazy laws down here!

Not too much more excitement to talk about! I'm pretty busy on a few projects that I'm working on. Both are websites, and one of them is really starting to take shape. The other will come along more as I have time to learn more about this Community Server stuff! I love learning new things! Should be a blast.

Gaming has been cut to a minimum now. My 360 (the 3rd one) has taken a dump on me AGAIN! I'm up to 3 red rings and it's only a matter of time before it's completely toast! Since I was an idiot and didn't buy an extended service warranty it's gonna rock me about $140 to get it fixed! Gotta love that! So it's back to World of Warcraft and BF2 on the PC for a bit!

Oh yeah, and my fantasy baseball teams blow chunks! Nuff said!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really shouldn't pay for that repair.