Saturday, January 05, 2008

Our New Addition


I was embarrassed when I found out that I didn't have this up here already. Quite honestly, I'm using a program called Windows Live Writer so I never see the web page that much anymore. It 'supposedly' publishes and I leave it at that.

Well, for shame! It did not post my blog about lil baby Ayden.

He was born on Dec. 19th and was 8lbs 15ozs. Mommy and baby are doing well. As well as you can do for the miserable weather we've had here. Not to mention the terrible colds Alex, Tiffany and I have had throughout the past 2 weeks.

So anyway's, say hello to my new lil buddy. Ayden Mark Sipe. He's such an adorable little baby.

1 comment:

PG said...

Aaron! Congratulations!!! I had no idea you had another blog besides the Sarcoidosis one... I am going to shoot Silver for not telling me! I am happy to see you are doing well, and happy to see your gorgeous baby boy.
Now that I know you are here too I will check in more often. I saw Silver and his lovely g/f at a recent b/day party... it was fun! You and your family should come up this way in the summer (I think he will have a B-day party in August) and visit!
Many hugs!
e.e. (a/k/a Paula)