Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ready to get back at it!

So I snuck back on and wanted to post one more blog for the evening. After a nice hot shower, warm dinner and time to reflect I wanted to jot down a few notes from the week.

Things aren't always what they seem. I lost focus with this sarcoidosis the first time! Won't happen again and I sure hope it's not the last chance that I have to kick it in the ass!

#2 Work! It's been a nice break to sit back and look at everything that's happened over the past few months. One thing that I am never quick to forget is my right-hand man getting me thru work, and being the ass kicker he is, Gary! He knows how to make these machines sing, I wrote the bad notes, he makes music out of it! LOL!! It doesn't matter what the situation, this kid has stuck it out thick and thin at this shop, where he could have easily gone north on me! Loved workin with him in Ohio and have been ever so grateful for all of his help both at work and away from it! Thank Chubbs!! It'll be nice to get back to work and start cranking thru some stuff again!

I just wasn't sure of the whole deal with the new guy at work, but after a few weeks now I have really learned to appreciate Clint and see how pretty talented the guy is. His buddy was very cool, I just really wished that had worked out differently with him. Clint probably could use a week off after being left there on his own with Gary and Bob opening shop up in North Cackalacky!!

The 'Ol man! I sure have missed him changing a complete design around! I have a few more to show him this week, let's see how many times we can change it! Really reinvigorated with work and ready to be able to get back to focusing on 'something' else for a change.

#3 Appreciating my wife, yet again! I spent the whole week at home with Alex and Tiffany (Brooke stayed with a friend for a few days during all of this) and just had the chance to see how challenging it is with my lil buddy all day long. He wears a guy out! Not to mention wearing a mommy thin!!! But I have been so happy to rest and relax with them at home and just heal for a bit.

We're going to go in to this more focused on the goal ahead, staying healthy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup Arron... long time bro... miss you guys... Da GuNNer... ~eM