Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Lost but found!

Well, I've been away for some time and I really wanted to get back to updating this, so I thought I'd drop a quick post to let everyone know that I'll be back to updating this on a more frequent basis.

It's been a busy November and December for me so far and no time for rest and relaxation really.

The kid that helped me get down here to Structure was finally let go a few days before Thanksgiving. And it couldn't have come at a better time! Things were really starting to get stressful with him around and I wasn't learning much. Just kinda sittin over in my corner trying to get thru days. Now that he's gone, my days are flying now that I have so much work. I'm booked solid thru February right now.

Alex and family are doing great. The poor boy is going thru the teething stage (yes, at 4 months! Can you believe it?) and is just miserable. He hasn't figured out the whole "Your supposed to nap during the day" scenario either. You'd think that it would make him that much more tired at the end of the day, but he's a fighter and its taking him damn near an hour to lay him down to sleep for the night. After a few successful weeks of him sleeping thru the night, Tiffany's back to gettin up between 2-4am for a bottle. Unfortunately for Tiffany, he thinks it's play time!

Christmas is right around the corner now, just 5 days away, and I won't get to spend my first Christmas with Alex. Due to travel restrictions, children under the age of 15 cannot travel alone, so Tiffany is going to drive Brooke home for Christmas. I'm really disappointed, but I'm trying to be mature about it and not be so selfish. There will be plenty more, plus next year will be the first one where he'll really get to enjoy it!

Well, I was one of the lucky ones to score an XBox 360 upon release back in November. I didn't get the one I wanted and spent the next 2 days scouring Naples in search of all the needed accessories. The night before Thanksgiving I got it all set up and found out that the DVD drive was shot. Funny, but the same thing happened to me when I bought the first system. Microsoft was great in responding, sending me a new unit out about a week later. I haven't had all the time I'd like to have to play the system, but I'm having fun when I can with it. Nice to get done with a busy day and just lose myself in some racing or shooting at friends! Fun stuff!

In the meantime, I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday and is very safe!

I've got a few more pictures to post up and I'll be doing that soon. Plus I've just about got my digital camera fixed! Damn them flash cards and their mating pins! Grrrrr!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was sooo good to meet Lil Alexander when I was in FL last week! He is so damn adordable! I will have to send you the pictures that were taken when we all met up. He looks just like you.